Ferrets are clean animals and will groom themselves, but it is also important to regularly clean their teeth and ears, clip their nails and occasionally bath them. Bathing your ferret:

Rabbits who are normally kept outdoors can really suffer in the winter if the temperature suddenly dips. Even if your rabbit is an indoor bunny you will need to make

Ferrets are extremely playful pets but also enjoy spending large swathes of their day relaxing. They are particularly fond of hammocks and soft bedding. We have years of experience supplying

Guinea pigs make fabulous pets and are relatively easy to keep. If you have the time and space to keep two (or more) piggies together they are extremely rewarding small

What Is Black Friday? Black Friday is becoming a global event taking savings to a new level. Originating in the USA as the busiest shopping day of the year, many

Chinchillas are highly intelligent animals and can easily be trained to do certain tricks. They are quite independent and wilful though, so do be prepared to persevere with your training

At LIttle Pet Warehouse we think that Ferrets make fabulous pets, But they (like most small animals) can have some behaviour problems. The good news is that these are easily

Choosing a cage for your chinchillas can seem complicated as there are so many different designs available. Since chinchillas can live for many years it makes sense to get the

Mice are extremely intelligent and are some of the easiest small pets to train. Mice can be trained to do everything from playing football to walking a tightrope. How do