As herd animals, guinea pigs use various noises to communicate with each other. Understanding what these noises mean can give you an idea about what your guinea pig may be feeling. Some sounds are used in more than one situation, so watch your guinea pig’s body language at the same time to work out which one it is.

  • Wheeking: An excited noise that sounds just like it is written! Guinea pigs usually make this noise around feeding but can also make it when they are pleased to see you or if they are lost.
  • Growling: This is an upset noise, normally made when the guinea pig is frightened or worried. Guinea pigs like familiarity and something strange coming into their environment can make them growl.
  • Whining: This is a complaining noise. Guinea pigs can make this noise if you (or their cage mate) disturb them or if they are annoyed or unhappy about something.
  • Shrieking: This is the guinea pig’s ‘emergency’ sound. This indicates that they are in pain, hurt or extremely distressed. You may hear this noise if one guinea pig bites another or when your guinea pig has an injection at the vet.
  • Teeth Chattering: This sound normally means the guinea pig is cross or upset. This is a common noise to hear when you are introducing new guinea pigs while they work out who is in charge.
  • Purring: Not the same as a cat purr – more like a cross between a grumble and a purr, this noise is made by the guinea pig’s throat but it is a happy noise. Guinea pigs will make this noise when they are content and it is a common noise to hear when they are getting stroked.
  • Chutting: Similar to purring, this is a happy sound. This noise is normally heard when your guinea pig is quietly content and exploring their environment.
  • Rumbling: This is a lower sound than purring. It is used as a mating call – for males this is an attempt to woo the female but female guinea pigs can also make the same noise to let the male know they are in season.
  • Chirping: An unusual sound. Not all guinea pigs make this one, but it sounds just like a bird singing.

There are many other more unusual noises that guinea pig owners report hearing from their pets. What noises does your guinea pig make? Let us know on facebook or twitter.

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