Gerbils are self groomers, so generally there is very little you need to do to help maintain their coats.

Brushing your gerbil: Many gerbils do enjoy being brushed with a soft bristle brush and it can be an enjoyable way to bond with your pet.

Clipping your gerbil’s nails: You can clip your gerbil’s nails with special small animal nail scissors. Be careful to avoid the quick of the nail as this can bleed if cut.

Bathing your gerbil: Gerbils should not be bathed in water. You can however use chinchilla bath sand for your gerbil which he may or may not be interested in – no harm in trying it though as some gerbils love bathing in sand!

Maintaining your gerbil’s teeth: Gerbil’s teeth grow continuously and although they will chew and wear them down to some extent it is necessary to make sure these don’t get too long. Ask your vet who can show you how to clip these if needed which is simple and only takes a couple of seconds.

How do you groom your gerbil? Do you have any tips for new gerbil owners? You can let us know on our Facebook or Twitter pages

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