Rabbits are extremely popular pets in the UK and it is easy to understand why, when you look at how easy to train and friendly they are!

There are a number of things you need to ensure you have considered when caring for your rabbit;

  • Rabbits are highly social animals and must be kept in pairs or groups (consisting only of rabbits – despite what some pet shops may tell you, rabbits and guinea pigs are not compatible ‘friends’ and may attempt to kill each other without warning especially in breeding season).
  •  When following the advice above, make sure your rabbits are neutered to prevent unintended breeding – rabbits reproduce extremely quickly and some pet shops are not brilliant at sexing rabbits when they are young, which can lead to unexpected surprises! In breeding season a single female can produce 30 babies and like many other species of small animals she can become pregnant immediately again within hours of the birth.
  • Vaccinations against myxomatosis and VHD, Both of which are serious diseases which can easily kill your pet, need to be arranged. Ask your vet to set up a vaccination schedule for you. This is an ideal time for the vet to give your rabbit a health check.
  • Rabbits need to be fed correctly, with large amounts of hay (at least ¾ of the daily diet) being provided. Rabbits have an unusual digestive system which works via a process called caecotrophy. This involves the rabbit passing large quantities of high fibre food through the gut once to produce what is known as a caecotroph which can then be re-eaten to make sure they have absorbed all the nutrients.
  • Rabbits have continuously growing teeth which require regular care and maintenance – see our special rabbit teeth blog post here
  • Rabbits must be handled regularly and their fur needs to be regularly maintained with a soft brush.

How easy did you find it to care for your first rabbit? Do you have any tips for first time rabbit owners? Let us know via our facebook or twitter pages!

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